Fortified Branding is a StoryBrand Certified Guide
Storytelling is the most powerful tool in the world to grab the attention of the human brain, in fact, our brains are wired to connect with story. When you learn to use story in your brand’s communication, you are far more likely to connect with the right customers and convert more often.
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller outlines a framework called the “Brandscript”, a 7-part Framework (SB7) that helps you clearly communicate your brand.
In fact, they’re the most powerful tool we have to grab the attention of our fellow humans. This is why when your brand uses story in its communications, you’re far more likely to connect with the right customers and convert.
As a StoryBrand Certified Guide, I help you leverage the power of your brand story so that you can create compelling messaging that grows your business. Now you can focus on the things you do best and have the confidence to talk about your products and services with absolute clarity.
Nail your elevator pitch with this 3-part formula, and they’ll be asking for more.